Thursday, December 11, 2008


Here is my final project. Enjoy!

Final Reflection

Lindsey Glenn
ED 693

I really enjoyed this project; however it could be due to the subject of my story. Now that I understand better how digital storytelling technology and software works I am looking forward to implementing these technologies in my classroom. I teach Spanish and government at Kodiak High School. Students walk around with computers in their pockets everyday. They communicate, socialize, and interact with their environment through technology. As an educator if I can use this knowledge to make a connection with them I will be able to help them be successful in the world after high school.
I have been on maternity leave and have only been in the classroom for a little over two weeks. As the end of the semester approaches I decided that my Spanish students would create a children’s book for their semester final. Before they started their stories students had to create story maps, story boards, and then their final project. The supporting documentation was a great help to keep students organized and help them create really quality stories. I also teach a U.S. government class and am looking forward for them to create public service announcements digitally.
I have been working with our district technology department to get our computer labs equipped with the appropriate software and tools that we will need to create digital stories. Through this project I have encountered a frustrating element of digital storytelling at our school. We lack many of the essential tools necessary to create digital stories and there are not many other teachers who are familiar with digital stories. My principal is very supportive of technology and recognizes the asset it can be to education. As a pioneer in digital storytelling in my building I will be learning along with my students and hopefully be able to help other teachers effectively utilize technology too.


Digital Storytelling : "Now That I'm a Mother "
Teacher Name: Lindsey Glenn
Student Name: ________________________________________


4. Images create a distinct atmosphere or tone that matches different parts of the story. The images may communicate symbolism and/or metaphors.
3. Images create an atmosphere or tone that matches some parts of the story. The images may communicate symbolism and/or metaphors.
2. An attempt was made to use images to create an atmosphere/tone but it needed more work. Image choice is logical.
1. Little or no attempt to use images to create an appropriate atmosphere/tone.

Story, Orginization, Flow
4. Story flows and communicates the creators point of view effectively. all elements of a stroy are present.
3. Story flows, but there may be some disruption in the flow. One or more elements of the story is missing.
2. Very little flow to the story. lack of orginization disrupts audience. Fewer then two story elements are present.
1. There is not apparent flow to the story. Ideas are disjointed and one or less story elements are present

Digital Grammar
4. Grammar and usage were correct (for the dialect chosen) and contributed to clarity, style and character development.
3. Grammar and usage were typically correct (for the dialect chosen) and errors did not detract from the story.
2. Grammar and usage were typically correct but errors detracted from story.
1. Repeated errors in grammar and usage distracted greatly from the story.

Project Planning
4. All of supportinng documentation was turned in on time, story map, story board, script, final story.
3. Missing one of the supporting docmentation items or turned in late.
2. Missing two of supporting documentation or turned in two days late.
1. Missing three or more supporting documentation or turned in three or more days late.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Story Map

Story Map

“Now that I am a Mother”

My name is Lindsey Glenn. I enjoy my freedom, fashionable clothes, hanging out with friends, and keeping in shape. I plan to train for my 3rd marathon soon.

Now that I am a mother…
I can’t go on a run
I can’t travel
I can’t spend money on clothes
I can’t go to the grocery store without a hassle
I don’t even have time to even shower daily
In early October 2007 I find out that I am expecting a baby. Although my husband is excited, I have mixed feelings.

After the baby is born I discover how much my life has actually changed.

Now that I am a mother I can’t wait to…
Run a 5K with her
Take my daughter to Europe
Go shopping together
Help her get ready for prom
Make cookies together
Take her to swimming lessons
Hear her say “I love you”

Now that I am a mother…
I would not change a thing!
Adjusting to motherhood is a sacrifice beyond what I imagined, however everyday I am discovering it is so worth every sleepless night and missed social gatherings!