Thursday, December 11, 2008


Digital Storytelling : "Now That I'm a Mother "
Teacher Name: Lindsey Glenn
Student Name: ________________________________________


4. Images create a distinct atmosphere or tone that matches different parts of the story. The images may communicate symbolism and/or metaphors.
3. Images create an atmosphere or tone that matches some parts of the story. The images may communicate symbolism and/or metaphors.
2. An attempt was made to use images to create an atmosphere/tone but it needed more work. Image choice is logical.
1. Little or no attempt to use images to create an appropriate atmosphere/tone.

Story, Orginization, Flow
4. Story flows and communicates the creators point of view effectively. all elements of a stroy are present.
3. Story flows, but there may be some disruption in the flow. One or more elements of the story is missing.
2. Very little flow to the story. lack of orginization disrupts audience. Fewer then two story elements are present.
1. There is not apparent flow to the story. Ideas are disjointed and one or less story elements are present

Digital Grammar
4. Grammar and usage were correct (for the dialect chosen) and contributed to clarity, style and character development.
3. Grammar and usage were typically correct (for the dialect chosen) and errors did not detract from the story.
2. Grammar and usage were typically correct but errors detracted from story.
1. Repeated errors in grammar and usage distracted greatly from the story.

Project Planning
4. All of supportinng documentation was turned in on time, story map, story board, script, final story.
3. Missing one of the supporting docmentation items or turned in late.
2. Missing two of supporting documentation or turned in two days late.
1. Missing three or more supporting documentation or turned in three or more days late.

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